
The Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in our initiation into the Christian Community of the Church. For the Baptism of infants, parents are reminded of their responsibility to nurture the child in faith and love.

The Sacrament of Baptism is usually conferred in Our Lady of the Rosary Church following the 8.30 am Mass on Sunday, or before Mass at St Patrick’s Church Wardell on Sunday evenings.

Parents are asked to contact the Parish Priest as soon as possible to make a booking for the desired date for the Baptism. The necessary steps for preparation will then be provided. Click on Information Required for Baptism For adults, refer to Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Alstonville

Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Alstonville

St Patrick's Churc,h Wardell

St Patrick’s Churc,h Wardell (Courtesy of Woodbright Photography)