The Adult Faith Development Committee was set up by the Parish Pastoral Council to encourage adult faith development for parishioners. Members of the Committee meet four or five times a year and report monthly to the Parish Pastoral Council.
The goals of the committee are:-
- to encourage the faith development of all parishioners and provide opportunities for adults in the parish to practise and deepen their faith;
- to nurture a culture of prayer and spirituality in the parish;
- to provide educative and informative articles for reading and reflection.
Some strategies for achieving our goals:
- Provide opportunities for a variety of community prayer, such as Weekly Lenten Prayer and Taize Prayer nights.
- Secure visiting speakers on topics such as Scripture, Prayer, Meditation, Creation Spirituality and Reconciliation with our Indigenous People and provide opportunities for parishioners to meet and share faith responses.
- Offer small group programmes, such as Lenten Groups, Christian Meditation, Scripture Study and Faith Sharing.
- Assist with the Home Based Sacraments of Initiation Programme (Confirmation and First Eucharist).
- Offer the RCIA Programme as needed.