Parish Bulletin Newsletter
Parish Bulletin 23rd February 2025
Parish Bulletin 16th February 2025
Diocesan Renewal Annual Update
Summary of June Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
AlstonvilleWardell Parish Plan – final version.docx
Parish Events Calendar
Biblical Way of the Cross
Praying the Way of the Cross can lead to an experience of the deep love of God revealed through the suffering and death of the Lord. It can also provide an opportunity for reflection on how God’s love is revealed through our experiences of loss, betrayal and death. more»
Altar Servers who are in Years 7 – 12 will embark on their annual Altar Servers Picnic to Wet N Wild on the Gold Coast as a “Thank You” from the parish. Have fun!
Altar Servers in Years 4 – 6 will be taken to Ballina Water Slide in the morning, McDonald’s for lunch and then onto Ballina Ten Pin Bowling for glow in the dark bowling as a “Thank You” from the Parish.
A Lenten Home Group will meet at Sr Anne’s home each Thursday morning during lent.
A Lenten Home Group will meet at Sr Anne’s home each Thursday morning during lent.
An opportunity for a quiet Lenten Reflection Evening at 7.30pm in the St Josephs School Staffroom.
A Lenten Home Group will meet at Sr Anne’s home each Thursday morning during lent.
A Lenten Home Group will meet at Sr Anne’s home each Thursday morning during lent.