Parish Bulletin Newsletter
Diocesan Renewal Annual Update
Summary of June Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
AlstonvilleWardell Parish Plan – final version.docx
Parish Events Calendar
Bring a plate to share. Cards to follow supper. $5 per head. Phone Jeanette 0413 609824 or Jo 0409 904908.
Hosted by the Wolhuter/Kelly Family Group
Followed by Brunch at “Our Daily Bread”. Contact Ian 0409 904 908
Hosted by the Limbert Family Group
BYO drinks and dinner to share. Numbers to Larelle by 15 July. 02 6683 4642 or Jo 0409 904 908
BYO drinks, nibbles or supper to share. Teams of 6. Fun & games for all $5 per head. Bring some gold coins for games. Phone Di 0418 960035 or Jeanette 0413 609824.
Pancake Sunday hosted by the Parish Pastoral Council.
BYO picnic & drinks. Gold coin donation. Phone Di 0418 960035
Hosted by the St Vincent de Paul Society
Hosted by the Niven Family Group
At Farrell’s residence. Numbers to Di by 20/11/15. BYO drinks Phone 0418 960 035
Hosted by the Children’s Liturgy Leaders