Parish Bulletin Newsletter
Parish Bulletin 2nd March 2025
Diocesan Renewal Annual Update
Summary of June Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
AlstonvilleWardell Parish Plan – final version.docx
Parish Events Calendar
BYO drinks, nibbles or supper to share. Teams of 6. Fun & games for all $5 per head. Bring some gold coins for games. Phone Di 0418 960035 or Jeanette 0413 609824.
BYO picnic & drinks. Gold coin donation. Phone Di 0418 960035
At Farrell’s residence. Numbers to Di by 20/11/15. BYO drinks Phone 0418 960 035
Breakfast meeting at ‘Our Daily ‘Bread’ to organise activities for 2016. Bring your ideas!
To support victims of recent devastating floods. Cost $30 per person. Includes authentic 3 course Indian meal. Entertainment. BYO Drinks and glasses. for tickets contact Helen & John Niven 02 6628 6143